CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations

Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations
empirical evidence from a grasshopper in an agricultural landscape

Presented by Gauffre, Bertrand
INRAE, USC1339 (CEBC-CNRS) F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
co-authors:  S. Mallez(2-3), M.P. Chapuis(4), R. Leblois(4), I. Litrico(5), S. Delaunay(5) & I. Badenhausser(1-2)

1 INRA, USC1339 (CEBC-CNRS), F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
2 CEBC-CNRS (UPR 1934), F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
3 INRA, UMR1355 Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, F-06903 Sophia Antipolis cedex
4 INRA, UMR CBGP, Campus international de Baillarguet, F-34988 Montferrier-s/Lez cedex
5 INRA, URP3F, site du Chêne, RD 150, F-86600 Lusignan
Abstract (en)
Poster (en)
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*GT4. Biology, ecology and evolution of invasive species*GT5. Statistical and evolutionary population genomicsAcrididae (grasshopper, locust)agricultural intensificationagricultural landscape/agrosystem /  bayesian cluster analysis /  computer simulationdispersalFrance (Poitou-Charentes) /  France (Western) /  gene flowgenetic structure /  geostatistics /  grassland /  grassland density /  hedgerow /  landscape geneticslandscape structuremicrosatellite data /  Pezotettix giornae (the short-horned grasshopper) /  populationspatial heterogeneity /  spatial structure /  survey / 

Related categories:
     A) Taxon (latin/vernacular names)
     B) Tool/method
     C) Process/phenomenon
     D) Bio-group (except taxon)
     E) Discipline/approach
     F) Location
     G) Concept
     H) Indicator (parameter, variable name)
     L) CBGP theme
Navigation suggestion:
     Inférences de changements passés de tailles de populations à partir de données microsatellites et de séquences d'ADN ( 141 )  
XP-016 / Talk delivered on 2014-12-16 / id: 5

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