CBGP-GAS slideshows
Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations
Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations empirical evidence from a grasshopper in an agricultural landscape
Presented by Gauffre, Bertrand
INRAE, USC1339 (CEBC-CNRS) F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
co-authors: S. Mallez(2-3), M.P. Chapuis(4), R. Leblois(4), I. Litrico(5), S. Delaunay(5) & I. Badenhausser(1-2)
1 INRA, USC1339 (CEBC-CNRS), F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
2 CEBC-CNRS (UPR 1934), F-79360 Beauvoir-s/Niort
3 INRA, UMR1355 Institut Sophia Agrobiotech, F-06903 Sophia Antipolis cedex
4 INRA, UMR CBGP, Campus international de Baillarguet, F-34988 Montferrier-s/Lez cedex
5 INRA, URP3F, site du Chêne, RD 150, F-86600 Lusignan