CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Changements globaux et écosystèmes aquatiques : une opportunité pour combiner recherche fondamentale et appliquée

Changements globaux et écosystèmes aquatiques : une opportunité pour combiner recherche fondamentale et appliquée
Global changes and aquatic ecosystems: an opportunity to combine basic and applied research

Presented by Blanchet, Simon
CNRS, UMR 5321, Moulis Station d’Écologie Théorique et Expérimentale
web-link: the CNRS theoretical and experimental ecology station in Moulis (foothills of the central Pyrenees, France)
Resume (fr)
Speaker's ResearchGate
Web link
Affiche (fr)
Speaker's GoogleScholar
Speaker's Orcid

*GT4. Biology, ecology and evolution of invasive species*GT5. Statistical and evolutionary population genomicsbiodiversitybiodiversity (intraspecific)conservationecologyecosystemecosystem (aquatic) /  ecto-parasite /  evolutionary ecology /  fragmentation (landscape) /  France /  fresh water /  genetic diversityglobal changehost-parasite interactionintroduction pathwayparasitismresistancespatial heterogeneitytolerance (parasitism) /  Tracheliastes polycolpus (copepod) / 

Related categories:
     A) Taxon (latin/vernacular names)
     C) Process/phenomenon
     D) Bio-group (except taxon)
     E) Discipline/approach
     F) Location
     G) Concept
     L) CBGP theme
     M) Biotope
Navigation suggestion:
     Adaptation of rodents to arid environments: Jaculus, colour and remote sensing data ( 57 )  
XP-103 / Talk delivered on 2018-09-25 / id: 84

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