CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Impacts sanitaires et environnements liés aux cultures de plantes transgéniques. Forces et faiblesses de l'évaluation des risques

Impacts sanitaires et environnements liés aux cultures de plantes transgéniques. Forces et faiblesses de l'évaluation des risques
Environment and health impacts associated with transgenic crops. Strengths and weaknesses of the risk assessment

Presented by Bourguet, Denis
Note: This talk was given in two successive sessions.
Supplementary material: the doi access to the article of Seralini et al. (2012) is provided for any convenience.
Resume (fr)
Speaker's homepage
Access to article
Speaker's ResearchGate
Speaker's GoogleScholar

*GT2. Adaptation of phytophagous species, their natural enemies and symbionts /  assessment bodies /  Danaus plexippus (the monarch butterfly) /  debateenvironmental impactEurope /  genetically modified organism (GMO) /  hazard /  herbicidehuman health /  non-target species /  pestpesticideresistancerisk assessmentsanitary impact /  Seralini (2012) /  transgenic crop /  weedworldZea mays (the maize)

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     L) CBGP theme
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     Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations ( 176 )  
XP-007 / Talk delivered on 2014-04-22 / id: 9

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