CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Joint inference of demography and selection from genomic temporal data using approximate Bayesian computation

Joint inference of demography and selection from genomic temporal data using approximate Bayesian computation
Inférence conjointe de la démographie et de la sélection à partir de données génomiques

Presented by Pavinato, Vitor
CBGP postdoctorate 

Abstract (en)
Poster (en)
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*GT5. Statistical and evolutionary population genomicsallele frequencyApproximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) /  census size /  complex systemcomputer simulationdemographic inferencedemographyeffective population sizeevolutionary biologygenetic drift /  genetic load /  locus under selection /  neutral selection /  populationpopulation geneticspopulation size /  random decision forests /  selection /  selective sweep (genetics) /  temporal data / 

Related categories:
     B) Tool/method
     C) Process/phenomenon
     E) Discipline/approach
     G) Concept
     H) Indicator (parameter, variable name)
     L) CBGP theme
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     Impacts sanitaires et environnements liés aux cultures de plantes transgéniques. Forces et faiblesses de l'évaluation des risques ( 71 )  
XP-113 / Talk delivered on 2019-02-19 / id: 92

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