CBGP-GAS slideshows :  Saturniid and sphingid moths as novel models for the study of insect diversity and macroecology

Saturniid and sphingid moths as novel models for the study of insect diversity and macroecology
Les papillons de nuit (Saturnidés, Sphingidés) comme nouveaux modèles pour l'étude de la diversité et de la macroécologie des insectes

Presented by Ballesteros-Mejia, Liliana
MNHN postdoctorate Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Web link : The Hostplants and Caterpillars Database at the Natural History Museum
Abstract (en)
Poster (en)
Speaker's ResearchGate
Web link
Speaker's GoogleScholar
Speaker's Orcid

*GT1. Origin and characterization of biodiversity*GT6. High-speed molecular and biocomputing approachesbarcodingbiodiversitybiodiversity (intraspecific)biogeographycommunity (arthropods)diversificationevolutionary ecologyInsecta /  integrative taxonomy /  Lepidoptera (butterfly)life-history trait /  Macro-Ecology /  molecular ecologymoth (night butterfly)phylogeneticsphylogenyreference collectionSaturnidae /  species richness /  Sphingidae /  tropicsworld

Related categories:
     A) Taxon (latin/vernacular names)
     B) Tool/method
     C) Process/phenomenon
     D) Bio-group (except taxon)
     E) Discipline/approach
     F) Location
     G) Concept
     H) Indicator (parameter, variable name)
     L) CBGP theme
Navigation suggestion:
     Circadian clock and photoperiodism in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum ( 59 )  
XP-104 / Talk delivered on 2018-10-09 / id: 85

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