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5 slideshows found about Europe

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   J.Y. Rasplus, J.P. Rossi, M. Chartois & A. Cruaud
     Caractériser les réseaux d’interactions plantes-vecteurs pour mieux gérer et anticiper la progression du phytopathogène Xylella fastidiosa

   L. Smith
     Current Research at the European Biological Control Laboratory
       EBCL - USDA Agricultural Research Service

   N. Guilpart
     Europe's soybean self-sufficiency under climate-change: insights from data-driven yield projections using machine-learning

   D. Bourguet
     Impacts sanitaires et environnements liés aux cultures de plantes transgéniques. Forces et faiblesses de l'évaluation des risques
       Environment and health impacts associated with transgenic crops. Strengths and weaknesses of the risk assessment

   C. Filippone
     Investigation of emerging zoonotic viruses in Europe and Africa