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10 slideshows found about biological control

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   T. Strive
     70 years of Biological Control of Rabbits in Australia - An Ongoing Co-Evolutionary Arms-Race

   V. Caron
     Attack of the clones: the introduced willow sawfly in Australia
       Attaque des clones: l'introduction de la Tenthrède du saule (Nematus oligospilus) en Australie

   N.T. Dianzinga
     Can dispersal explain the coexistence of two predators in reciprocal intraguild predation?

   A. Sheppard
     Classical biological control research at CSIRO: new directions for vertebrates, invertebrates and weeds

   N. Ali
     Communautés de nématodes phytoparasites associées à l'olivier : réponses aux forçages anthropiques et environnementaux
       Communities of plant parasitic nematodes associated with the olive tree

   L. Smith
     Current Research at the European Biological Control Laboratory
       EBCL - USDA Agricultural Research Service

   C. Lutrat
     Développement de souches de sexage génétique pour la Technique de l’Insecte Stérile chez les moustiques du genre Aedes

   A. Chailleux
     Lutte biologique contre des espèces invasives : quelles sont les perspectives offertes par la mobilisation de plusieurs disciplines ?
       Biological control against invasive species: what are the prospects offered by the mobilization of several disciplines?

   M. Ollivier
     Lutte biologique par introduction contre Sonchus oleraceus (Asteraceae)
       Introduction biological control againt Sonchus oleraceus (Asteraceae)

   D. Navia
     Metabarcoding applied to biological control involving microarthropods: early steps and prospects