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13 slideshows found about phylogenetics

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   Z. Boratynski
     Adaptation of rodents to arid environments: Jaculus, colour and remote sensing data

   I. Bravo
     Asymptomatic, acute or chronic infections: a twisted road from genotype to phenotype in Papillomaviruses
       Infections asymptomatiques, aigües ou chroniques : du génotype au phénotype chez les Papillomavirus

   J.C. IIlera
     Colonisation, diversification and extinction in Macaronesian birds: a synthesis of phylogenetic and fossil information

   E. Jousselin
     Évolution des systèmes di-symbiotiques chez les pucerons

   N. Tordo
     Exploration de la diversité génétique des hantavirus en France métropolitaine et ultramarine
       Exploring hantavirus genetic diversity in France and overseas territories

   S. Catalano
     Human schistosomiasis in the Senegal river basin: does wildlife matter?

   Y. Desdevises
     Interactions coévolutives entre microalgues et virus géants
       Co-evolving interactions between microalgae and giant viruses

   C. Favret
     Les 5 ‘D’s de la taxonomie : un guide d’utilisateur

   J. Pisano
     Out-of-Himalaya: evolutionary history of Dipodoidea (Rodentia) evidences the impact of past Asian environmental changes

   R. Allio
     Phylogenomics and comparative genomics: the case of coevolution between the swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) and their host plants

   L. Ballesteros-Mejia
     Saturniid and sphingid moths as novel models for the study of insect diversity and macroecology
       Les papillons de nuit (Saturnidés, Sphingidés) comme nouveaux modèles pour l'étude de la diversité et de la macroécologie des insectes

   A. Sanchez Meseguer
     Spatio-temporal evolution of the genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae): the strategy of the marathon runner

   E. Call
     The age of museomics: how to get genomic information from museum specimens of Lepidoptera