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   M.C. Bopp
     40-year changes in weed communities induced by management and climate change in Mediterranean vineyards

   T. Strive
     70 years of Biological Control of Rabbits in Australia - An Ongoing Co-Evolutionary Arms-Race

   E. Frago
     A meta-analysis on the benefits and costs of hosting secondary endosymbionts in sap-sucking insects

   D. Santos García
     A song of sap and blood

   B. Villegas Ramirez
     A targeted enrichment strategy for the sequencing of medicinal species in the Indonesian Flora

   Z. Boratynski
     Adaptation of rodents to arid environments: Jaculus, colour and remote sensing data

   M.D. Greenfield
     Animal choruses emerge from receiver psychology

   V. Caron
     Attack of the clones: the introduced willow sawfly in Australia
       Attaque des clones: l'introduction de la Tenthrède du saule (Nematus oligospilus) en Australie

   S. Ramos-Onsins
     Bioinformatic and analytical tools for the analysis of whole-genome sequence polymorphism data

   N.T. Dianzinga
     Can dispersal explain the coexistence of two predators in reciprocal intraguild predation?

   D. Waller
     Causes and consequences of exotic invasions in Wisconsin forests

   M. Barberà
     Circadian clock and photoperiodism in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum
       Horloge circadienne et photopériodisme chez Acyrthosiphon pisum, le puceron vert du pois

   A. Sheppard
     Classical biological control research at CSIRO: new directions for vertebrates, invertebrates and weeds

   J.C. IIlera
     Colonisation, diversification and extinction in Macaronesian birds: a synthesis of phylogenetic and fossil information

   C. Piou
     Coupling historical prospection data and a remotely-sensed vegetation index for the preventative control of Desert locusts
       Coupler les données historiques de surveillance avec un indice de végétation dérivé d’images satellites pour une meilleure gestion préventive du Criquet pèlerin

   L. Smith
     Current Research at the European Biological Control Laboratory
       EBCL - USDA Agricultural Research Service

   Q. Rougemont
     Demographic history shaped within species variation in the deleterious mutation load in a broadly distributed Pacific Salmon

   D. Carrasco
     Do you remember when? Effect of past experiences in future decisions in a noctuid moth

   R. Villoutreix
     Ecological discontinuity packages genes into discrete units of diversity

   F. Ecke
     Ecology of hantavirus infections in Sweden: Drivers of the contact zone between the virus, rodents and humans

   M. Arias
     Effect of range shifts in trophic interactions of two harmful moths in a global change context

   N. Guilpart
     Europe's soybean self-sufficiency under climate-change: insights from data-driven yield projections using machine-learning

   A. Fraimout
     Évolution de la variation génétique et phénotypique au cours d'une invasion : le cas de Drosophila suzukii

   R. Garnier
     Evolutionary ecology of the dynamics of antibodies
       Écologie évolutive de la dynamique des anticorps

   N. Rode
     Fitness effect of mutations between phases of the life cycle of the root-rot fungus Heterobasidion parviporum

   S. Catalano
     Human schistosomiasis in the Senegal river basin: does wildlife matter?

   V. Pavinato
     Influence of historical land use and modern agricultural expansion on the spatial and ecological divergence of sugarcane borer in Brazil
       Influence de l'occupation des sols et de l'expansion agricole sur la divergence spatiale et écologique de la pyrale de la canne à sucre au Brésil

   M. Bogaerts Marquez
     Insights into the environmental pressures driving adaptation in Drosophila melanogaster

   C. Filippone
     Investigation of emerging zoonotic viruses in Europe and Africa

   R. Hufbauer
     Is evolution a driver or passenger of biological invasions ?
       Empirical data from experimentally invading Tribolium populations, and open questions for how to proceed with possible genomic analyses

   U. Berger
     Is our world agent-based and can we model it?
       Notre monde est-il orienté agent et pouvons-nous le modéliser ?

   J. Abbate
     Is recovery more important than resistance ?
       Elevational disease distribution in a natural plant pathogen system: insights from genetic variation in avoidance and recovery resistance

   V. Pavinato
     Joint inference of demography and selection from genomic temporal data using approximate Bayesian computation
       Inférence conjointe de la démographie et de la sélection à partir de données génomiques

   F. Clemente
     Kimtree: dealing with ascertainment bias and selection using SNP data

   C. Perrier
     Local adaptation in blue tit populations: insights from population genomics

   H. Svardal
     Locating introgression and non-tree-like ancestry on a large phylogeny

   V. Tiersen & M. Faucheux
     Measuring the Environmental Impact of Industries. FootPrint Target Tool. Focus on assessing habitat degradation and structural connectivity

   D. Navia
     Metabarcoding applied to biological control involving microarthropods: early steps and prospects

   B. Linard
     Metagenome skimming and large-scale comparative genomics of complex arthropod communities

   N. Rode
     Multiple hybrid origins of invasive diploid and polyploid asexual lineages of the brine shrimp Artemia

   J. Pisano
     Out-of-Himalaya: evolutionary history of Dipodoidea (Rodentia) evidences the impact of past Asian environmental changes

   R. Allio
     Phylogenomics and comparative genomics: the case of coevolution between the swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) and their host plants

   R. Oliva Molina
     Physical barriers vs pest. Laboratory for quality control and evaluation of agrotextiles

   M. Rousselle
     Population size, incomplete lineage sorting and selection in animal genomes

   K. Maeno
     Propositions to improve the preventive control of Desert locusts based on new knowledge of its ecology
       Propositions pour améliorer la lutte préventive contre le Criquet pèlerin basées sur de nouvelles connaissances de son écologie

   L. Ballesteros-Mejia
     Saturniid and sphingid moths as novel models for the study of insect diversity and macroecology
       Les papillons de nuit (Saturnidés, Sphingidés) comme nouveaux modèles pour l'étude de la diversité et de la macroécologie des insectes

   J. Kincaid-Smith
     Schistosomiasis, hybridization and zoonosis: towards an integrative view of the pathosystem

   C. Pelosi
     Soil engineers and their tremendous activity in a changing environment

   B. Gauffre
     Spatial heterogeneity in landscape structure influence dispersal and the genetic structure of populations
       empirical evidence from a grasshopper in an agricultural landscape

   A. Sanchez Meseguer
     Spatio-temporal evolution of the genus Hypericum (Hypericaceae): the strategy of the marathon runner

   E. Frago
     Symbionts protect aphids from parasitic wasps by attenuating herbivore-induced plant volatiles

   E. Call
     The age of museomics: how to get genomic information from museum specimens of Lepidoptera

   P. Stuart
     The bank vole invasion in Ireland as a model system to study parasite dynamics and immunogenetics of invaders and natives

   D. Abu Awad
     The consequences of demographic stochasticity on fixation

   C. Guédot
     The establishment of a new pest: phenology, crop susceptibility and impact of landscape on Drosophila suzukii

   S. McCairns
     Tipping the scales. Other lessons in adaptive evolution from the threespine stickleback

   M. Navascués
     Tracking adaptation to environmental changes in experimental or monitored populations
       evaluation of a method to detect loci under selection

   V. Baudrot
     Tracking uncertainties in mechanistic models for risk assessment of pest control strategies

   J.E. Cohen
     Vector-borne disease control and Taylor's law of fluctuation scaling: Chagas disease in Argentina