item(s) for
noteworthy publication in the scientist's output
Book or book list edited by the CSS5 member
citations Academia
American commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers
citations DBLP
Computer Science Bibliography
citations Google scholar
Scholarly literature
citations HAL
open archives
citations IRD
the IRD Horizons publication database
citations ORCID
Open Researcher and Contributor ID bibliographic output
citations PubMed
Free database including primarily the MEDLINE database of references and abstracts on life sciences and biomedical topics
citations ResearchGate
European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers
citations Scopus
Scientific abstract and citation database, launched by the academic publisher Elsevier
citations WoS
Web of Science WoS; previously known as Web of Knowledge
data portal AMMA-CATCH DB
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Observatory
data portal Arim
Data portal on Arthropodes of Medical Interest
data portal Aviso
The CNES data portal on satellite altimetry data
data portal BAOBAB
a multi-project (AMMA, Fennec, etc.) data portal addressing meteorology, atmospheric, chemistry, hydrology, extreme events, health, adaptation of human societies.
abstract on https://www.re3data.org/search?query=baobab
data portal CRYOBS-CLIM DB
datasets of cryospheric components over a large time period and in different climate regions (temperate, tropical, polar)
data portal DataSud
IRD institutional data warehouse
data portal Evogec
Evolution of Coffee trees Genomes
data portal Incendies Nouv. Caléd.
calculation of risk maps for fire starts, biodiversity, erosion
data portal INDEPTH
all surveys and datasets of the global network of health and demographic surveillance population
data portal IPUMS IHGIS
International Historical Geographic Information System from population, housing & agricultural censuses around the world
data portal LagPlon
the Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity data portal
data portal MISTRALS
A distributed multi-project system of datasets dedicated to the understanding of the Mediterranean Basin environmental process under the planet global change
data portal OB7
IRD european observatory of exploited tropical pelagic ecosystems
data portal OpenMobility
open data about mobility from around the world
data portal ReefTEMPS
Pacific Island Coastal Waters Observation Network data portal
data portal SO-HYBAM
(HYdro-geochemistry of the AMazonian Basin): research support service for monitoring rivers and water resources in the Amazon
data portal TRAFIC
implementation of the french road safety data gateway 'Trafic' in the city of Bouaké (Ivory Coast)
data portal WASH
The Water Sanitation Hygiene section of the UNICEF
data portal WildCofDB
Wild Coffea species database
data portal ZatValley
virtual museum about the Zat valley (Morocco), part of the H2020 GeoParks initiative
HDR report (fr)
accreditation to supervise research
IRD - R&D Department for Innovative Digital Uses
linkedIn access
business and employment-focused social media platform
Personal home page
PhD thesis report
software APE
an R package for the analysis of phylogenetics and evolution
software Apecosm
Apex Predators ECOSystem Model: spatialized dynamics of open ocean pelagic ecosystems in the global ocean
software bike safety
an interface designed to show a plan of investment to extend the bicycle network in different cities optimizing safety.
software CI
Centre d'Informations (CI) application page
software CondMixt
R Package : Neural Network and Conditional Mixture Models for Heavy-Tailed Data
software Fototex
Fourier Transform Textural Ordination in Python
software GeoNetwork
Catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources
software GeoUtils
a set of python librarires to handle georeferenced raster or vectorial data
software GIGWA
(Genotype Investigator for Genome Wide Analyses): a web application to manage genomic and genotyping data from NGS analysis
software GPoM
R Platform dedicated to the Global Modelling technique. Its aim is to obtain ordinary differential equations of polynomial form directly from time series.
software Ichthyop
larval dispersal model
software LabCollector
Laboratory Information Management System
software on GitHub
Github is a developer platform that allows developers to create, store, manage and share their code
software OpenSimRoot
3D functional–structural plant model
software Osmose
Object-oriented simulator of marine ecosystems
software OSR_PealMillet
software PyGrav
PyGrav (processing of micro-gravity data)
software PyPAGO
Python Physical Analysis of Gridded Ocean
software PyRice
a Python package API developed to access numerous rice supported databases and produce consistent outputs.
software Redcap
Secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases
software restoptr
Ecological Restoration Planning
software rflsgen
Neutral Landscape Generator with Targets on Landscape Indices
software SimulSen
simulation of a multiple objective dam operational management
software Toggle
toolbox for generic NGS analyses
software Voozanoo
secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases
software XDEM
A set of python libraries for the analysis of digital elevation models for geosciences
software ZonAgri
overview of ZonAgri (Modeling agricultural activities at the regional level)
UMI Source
Sustainability and Resilience
Translational research on HIV and Infectious Diseases
International Laboratory for Computer and Mathematical Modelling of Complex Systems
botAny and Modelling of Plant Architecture and vegetation
Centre de biologie pour la Gestion des Pöpulations (Biol. Pop. Manag.)
Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement des Géosciences de l’Environnement
Center for the Study of the Biosphere from Space
plant DIversity Adaptation and DEvelopment
Tropical Marine Ecology of the Pacific and Indian Oceans
UMR Espace-Dev
Space observation, models and actionable science
Water Management, Actors, Territories
UMR Geoazur
Multidisciplinary Environmental Geosciences
Geosciences Environment Toulouse
HydroSciences Montpellier
Institute for Geosciences and Environmental research
Institut Méditerranéen de la Biodiversité et d’Ecologie marine et continentale
Montpellier Institute of Evolutionary Sciences
Institute of Earth Sciences
Laboratory for Space Geophysics and Oceanography Studies
Laboratoire des sciences de l'environnement marin (Mar. Environ. Sci. Lab.)
Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans
Laboratory Population Environment Development
MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation
Mère et enfant face aux infections tropicales / Mother and child face tropical infections
Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography
Infectious Diseases and Vectors: Ecology, Genetics, Evolution and Control
Local heritage, environment and globalization
Plant Health Institute of Montpellier
Pôle de Recherche pour l'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'Information Géographique (Res. Cent. for Geog. Inf. Organ. Dissemin.)
Sciences Economiques et Sociales de la Santé et Traitement des Informations Médicales
web-link A.Turing Inst.
The UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence
web-link ACROSS
International joint Laboratory on Advanced Computational Research on Sustainability Science
web-link Active Acoustic
The LEMAR acoustics platform
web-link AFH
French Association for fisheries Sciences
web-link Africadiv
a network (or observatory) of permanent forest inventory scientific plots
web-link AgroLD
Agronomic Linked Data project: an RDF Knowledge-based Database for plant molecular networks
web-link AMUE
The french pooling agency for universities and establishments
web-link ANR FORESEA
FORecasting seasonal Sargassum Events in the Atlantic
web-link AOTTP
the Atlantic Ocean Tropical Tuna Tagging Program (AOTTP)
web-link ARAMIS
Agrégation Rhône-Auvergne des Métiers de l'Informatique dans le Supérieur
web-link ATOMOSYD
research group on Topological Analysis and Modeling of Dynamic Systems
web-link Bio Inca
interdisciplinary research laboratory on biodiversity and sustainable agriculture in the tropical Andes.
web-link Burapha Univ.
one of the top public universities in Chon Buri, Thailand.
web-link CentrEau
Centre québécois de recherche sur la gestion de l'eau
web-link CFC
Comité Français de Cartographie (French Cartography Committee)
web-link Chiang Mai
Faculty of Medical Science of Chiang Mai Univ. (Thaïlande)
web-link CINES
National Computing Center for Higher Education in Montpellier
web-link CLIOTOP
Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators
web-link CNES Pleiades
constellation of two very-high-resolution satellites
web-link CNES-Copernicus
the CNES European Copernicus satellites program
web-link Comokit
a modelling framework for assessing and comparing intervention policies againt COVID-19 at the scale of a city
web-link Copernicus Emergency
the emergency management service of Copernicus
web-link Corail
The Laboratory of Excellence (LabEx) CORAIL (Coral reefs in the face of global change)
web-link Cordex-SEA
South-East Asian component of the Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)
web-link CRDIG
geospatial data and intelligence research center From Laval University
web-link CSFD
French Scientific Committee on Desertification
web-link CSS-France
The french local chapter of the Complex Systems Society
web-link CTOH
Centre of Topography of the Oceans and the Hydrosphere (French observation service dedicated to satellite altimetry studies)
web-link D2KAB
a framework to turn agronomy and biodiversity data into semantically described, interoperable, actionable, open knowledge
web-link Ecomore
Economic development, ecosystem modifications, and emerging infectious diseases risk evaluation in South-East Asia
web-link EuDat
The EU collaborative data infrastructure
web-link Fiocruz
the brazilian Climate and Health Observatory (Observatório Clima e Saúde)
web-link Fish-MIP
The Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (Fish-MIP)
web-link French Open Science Monitor
the French Open Science Monitor
web-link GAMA
modelling and simulation development environment for building spatially explicit agent-based simulations
web-link GBIF
The international Global Biodiversity Information Facility network
web-link GDR MAGIS
CNRS research group on Methods and Applications for Geomatics and Spatial Information
web-link GDR STRONG
Séries Temporelles de données Radar et Optique pour des chaînes de traitement Génériques
web-link GDRI Trauma
international research group specialized in the issues of road accidents and trauma in West Africa
web-link GeoSud Equipex
EquipEx part of the Investments for the Future Program call for projects Equipments of Excellence
web-link GICC
the GICC (Management and impact of climate change) program
web-link GID
The Global Island Database
web-link HASARD
generation of flood maps on a global scale from satellite data
web-link HEBOOC
online course on hepatitis B clinical management
web-link HIV vaccine
the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, an alliance of organizations formed to accelerate the search for an HIV vaccine
web-link I-Trop
IRD Plant & Health Bioinformatics Platform
web-link ICSMD
The International Charter Space and Major Disasters
web-link ICT-Lab
Computer lab of Hanoi University of Science and Technology
web-link IFP
French Institute of Pondicherry
web-link IFRECOR
The French initiative for coral reefs
web-link INCT Odisseia
Brazilian Observatory of Social and Environmental Dynamics
web-link INGEMMET
peruvian Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical Institute
web-link INPE
brazilian National Institute for Space Research
web-link IOTC
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
web-link IR-ILICO
the Coastal Ocean and Nearshore Observation French Research Infrastructure
web-link IRD-DATA
IRD support for scientific data management
web-link IRD-Lab
IRD geolocation of its activities, research facilities, scientific teams, staff and partners
web-link IWMI
International Water Management Institute
web-link JRES
Journées réseaux https://archives.jres.org/
web-link LAGAS
Lab. of Geogr., Environ. Health (Laboratorio Geografia, Ambiente e Saude da Universidade de Brasilia (UnB))
web-link LAPSE
Laboratoire mixte international Adaptation des Plantes et microorganismes associés aux Stress Environnementaux (LAPSE )
LEGOS team devoted to coasts self dynamics and relationships with sediments, climate patterns, continental shelves...
web-link Lengguru
Lengguru expeditions: Biodiversity assessment in reef twilight zone / Scientific Exploration of Papuan Karsts Biodiversity
web-link LIRIMA
INRIA International Research Laboratory in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
web-link LMI Avenir-Sahel
Internat. Lab on virtuous and resilient agrosystem for sustainable management of semi-arid lands
web-link LMI IDEAL
transdisciplinary research bridging agroecology, AI and social sciences to find coviability transition pathways.
web-link LMI Lotus
joint international laboratory in Hanoï Univ. on land-ocean-atmosphere coupled systems
web-link LMI Sentinela
Joint International Laboratory for Transboundary Observation of Environment, Climate, and Vector Diseases
web-link Memorial univ.
geography department at Memorial Univ. Newfoundland and Labrador Univ. (Canada)
web-link Moose
integrated observation network for long term monitoring and research on Mediterranean marine ecosystems
web-link Napneung
blood testing service in Thaïland
web-link Oeil
the New Caledonia Environment Observatory
web-link OGC
The Open Geospatial international Consortium driven to make geospatial information and FAIR
web-link OMVS
Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (The organization for the development of the Senegal River)
web-link Open Science initiative
Open Science Unit in the UMR Espace-Dev
web-link ORSNET
Oceania Regional Seismic NETwork
web-link OZCAR
French network of Critical Zone Observatories
web-link Paradep
a depredation mitigation device for pelagic longline fisheries
web-link RDA
the multi institutions Research Data Alliance dedicated to open sharing of data
web-link REDD+
The UN platform to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries Rep. Dem. Congo facts
web-link ReeFish
News and views from researchers working on reef fishes at the MARBEC lab (http://www.umr-marbec.fr/en/ ) and their close collaborators
web-link RENATER
The national research and education network in France
web-link RERIPA
Pacific Research and Innovation Ecosystem Strengthening to Counteract Climate Change Impacts
web-link RFMO
BMIS web page for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
web-link SDG03
UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
web-link seisme.nc
Seismological network of New Caledonia
web-link SELAMAT
SEntinel LAboratory of the Indonesian MArine BiodiversiTy
International Joint Laboratory
web-link SFDS
French Society for Statistics
web-link Sirocco
joint service engaged in providing codes, methods and tools for coastal oceans simulation research
web-link Theia
Data and services for land surfaces
web-link Theia - ART GeoDEV
Theia Regional Animation Network on space observation for southern countries
web-link Theia - disease risk
Land surface data and services: section on risks associated with infectious diseases
web-link TOSCA
CNES committee theme on surface and continental biospheres
web-link UFRN
web-link USTH
University of Science and Technology of Hanoi
web-link W3C-WAI
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative
web-link WACA-VAR
West African Coastal Areas- Mapping Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in a changing climate (WACA-VAR)
web-link water activity hub
King's College Water Activity Hub
web-link Water alternatives
web-link WCRP-CMIP
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project of the World Climate Reseach Program (WCRP)
web-link WGFAST
ICES working group on fisheries acoustic science and technology
web-link WHYCOS
The World Hydrological Cycle Observation System
_get in touch
send an email to the corresponding CSS5 member