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Agro-ecological analysis and modelling of evolutive tropical plant microbiomes
Combining genomic and field data for modelling and phylogenetic reconstruction

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  POULICARD, Nils / Agro-ecological analysis and modelling of evolutive tropical plant microbiomes Competencies of  POULICARD, Nils , PhD scientist
UMR PHIM   Plant Health Institute of Montpellier

citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   UMR PHIM   _get in touch  

Below: competencies in black when any are unique to
					N. Poulicard's profile in the current state of the database

African riceagricultureagro-ecologyAgronomyanthropogenic impactbioinformaticsbiological invasionBiology (evolutionary)Burkina-Fasocereal cropdata (genetics)data (georeferenced)data management plandata miningDNA sequencingEast AfricaEcology (niche)Ecuadorepidemic spreadEpidemiologyEpidemiology (evolutive)genome sequencinggenomicsgenomics (evolutive)integrative approachMCMC (Markov Chain Monte-Carlo)metagenomics /  Microbiology /  microbiomeMODELLINGmodelling (bayesian)modelling (epidemics)Molecular Biologymolecular dating (evolutionary Biology)MULTIDISCIPLINARYNGS (Next Generation Sequencing)Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso)Phylogeneticsplant-pathogen coevolutionpopulation geneticsresistance generice /  Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) /  SDG 02 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Alimentation)South AmericaTogo /  UMR PHIM (Plant Health Institute of Montpellier) /  viral infectionVirologyWest Africa /


Last update : 2023-08-17  (id: 18 )

Navigation suggestion: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions ( 15 )  

CSS5 related headings

     Field Location
     Method or approach
     Natural Item
     Natural Process
     Science or discipline
     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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