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Active Acoustics as a Tool for Marine Pelagic Ecology and Oceanography
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CSS5-IRD :  LEBOURGES-DHAUSSY, Anne / Active Acoustics as a Tool for Marine Pelagic Ecology and Oceanography Competencies of  LEBOURGES-DHAUSSY, Anne , PhD engineer
UMR LEMAR   Laboratoire des sciences de l'environnement marin (Mar. Environ. Sci. Lab.)

citations IRD   citations ResearchGate   Personal home page   UMR LEMAR   web-link Active Acoustic   web-link WGFAST   _get in touch  
Scientific Referent of the IRD's  Western Regional Delegation 
Chair of the ICES WGFAST (working group on fisheries acoustic science and technology)

Web-link Active Acoustics : The LEMAR acoustics platform aims to :
   (i) provide and manage an instrumental park on hydroacoustics, 
  (ii) develop acoustic data processing and analysis tools, 
 (iii) provide training,
  (iv) participate in research projects.

- web-link WGFAST : the ICES working group on fisheries acoustic science and technology
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to A. Lebourges-Dhaussy's profile in the current state of the database

acoustics (active)Atlantic oceanAtlantic ocean (intertropical)biocoenosisbiodiversity (marine)Brazilcarbon cycleclassification - typologydata (acoustics)data analysisdata processingdiel migration (mar. biol.)echo-integrationEcology (fisheries)Ecology (marine)ecosystem (aquatic)ecosystem (marine)ecosystem (tropical pelagic)ecosystem dynamicsecosystem processenvironment (marine)estuaryfield sampling (fr: échantillonnage)fisheries acousticsIndian oceaninverse problemlakemarine protected area (MPA)micronekton (marine org.)monitoring (environmental)Mozambique channelmulti-scale (spatial)multi-sensor approachmultibeam sonar detectionnekton (marine org.)New CaledoniaNordeste (Brazil)OceanographyOceanography (biological) /  Pacific ocean (inter-tropical) /  pelagic fishplanktonplankton (zoo)research cruise /  scattering /  Sci. administration and managementSDG 14 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Oceans)seamountSenegalsonarspatial dynamicstraining (fr: formation)UMR LEMAR (Mar. Environ. Sci. Lab.)upwelling /


Last update : 2023-07-20  (id: 34 )

Navigation suggestion: Hydrology, Matter Flows and Long-Term Evolution of Very Large River Basins ( 9 )  

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