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Statistical Modelling for the Study of Climatic Forcings in the Mediterranean
Extreme value theory, non parametric approach and mathematical disaggregation (downscaling)

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  CARREAU, Julie / Statistical Modelling for the Study of Climatic Forcings in the Mediterranean Competencies of  CARREAU, Julie , HDR scientist (CSS5 RESIGNED)
UMR HSM   HydroSciences Montpellier

citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   HDR report (fr)   Personal home page   software CondMixt   UMR HSM  
Software: CondMixt R Package : Neural Network and Conditional Mixture Models for Heavy-Tailed Data
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to J. Carreau (CSS5 resigned 2021)'s profile in the current state of the database

aggregation (spatial)algorithmicsartificial neural networkclimate change impactsclimatic forcingClimatology (hydro)computer sciencedownscaling - disaggregation (statistics)extreme eventextreme value theoryforecastinghydrological basinHydrologyMathematicsMediterranean seaMeteorology (hydro)MODELLINGmodelling (calibration)modelling (multi-scale)modelling (predictive)modelling (statistical)multi-scale (spatial)multi-scale (temporal and functional)natural hazardnonparametric statisticsoperational researchpattern learning (statistics)precipitation - rainfallR programmingSDG 06 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Water and sanitation)SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate)SFDS (French Soc. Statistics)spatial dynamicsstatisticsstatistics (spatial) /  stochastic weather generator /  TunisiaUMR HSM (HydroSciences Montpellier)watershed (fr: bassin versant) /


Last update : 2023-03-20  (id: 36 )

Navigation suggestion: Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Multi-Strain Viral Epidemics ( 6 )  

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     Natural Item
     Natural Process
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     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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