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Structure and Evolutionary History of Tropical Plant Genomes
Safeguard, analysis and promotion of wild plant diversity in developing countries

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  GUYOT, Romain / Structure and Evolutionary History of Tropical Plant Genomes Competencies of  GUYOT, Romain , senior scientist
UMR DIADE   plant DIversity Adaptation and DEvelopment

citations Google scholar   citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   data portal Evogec   data portal WildCofDB   software on GitHub   UMR DIADE   web-link Bio Inca   _get in touch  
- Data portal EVOGEC (Evolution of Coffee trees Genomes) team media and data sets
- Data portal WildCofDB : Wild Coffea species database
- GitHub: containing in particular :
                     * Inpactor, Integrated and Parallel Analyzer and Classifier of LTR Retrotransposons
                     * TIP_finder: An HPC Software to Detect Transposable Element Insertion Polymorphisms in Large Genomic Datasets
- web-link Bio Inca  : interdisciplinary research laboratory on biodiversity and sustainable agriculture in the tropical Andes.
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to R. Guyot's profile in the current state of the database

African riceAndesartificial intelligencebiodiversitybioinformaticsBiology (computational)Biology (evolutionary)Brazil /  coffee tree (Coffea) /  Colombiacomparative approachcomputer sciencedata (genetics)data analysisdata processingDNA sequencingdynamical systemEcology (evolutionary)EcuadorepigenomicsEvolutionary history (plants)geneticsgenome diversificationgenome sequencinggenomicsgenomics (evolutive)genomics (functional)genomics (structural)integrative approachIvory CoastMadagascarMolecular Biologymulti-scale (functional)MULTIDISCIPLINARYNGS (Next Generation Sequencing)pan-genomicsPhylogeneticsplant biologyplant variety improvementresearch infrastructureretrotransposonrice /  Rubiaceae (Coffea) /  Sci. administration and managementSDG 02 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Alimentation)SDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)software engineeringSouth AmericaSouth-East Asiatraining (fr: formation)UMR Diade (plant DIversity Adapt. & DEv.) /


Last update : 2024-07-08  (id: 51 )

Navigation suggestion: Full Stack Conception and Development of IT Systems Dedicated to Public Health ( 6 )  

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     Field Location
     Method or approach
     Natural Item
     Natural Process
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