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Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues
optimization, hybrid system, neural network, genetic algorithms

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  MANGEAS, Morgan / Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues Competencies of  MANGEAS, Morgan , senior scientist
UMR Entropie   Tropical Marine Ecology of the Pacific and Indian Oceans

citations Google scholar   citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   data portal Incendies Nouv. Caléd.   UMR ENTROPIE   web-link Ecomore   web-link Oeil   _get in touch  
The current research is entitled:  "spatio-temporal modelling of stochastic and deterministic processes
                                    in the field of the marine environment and health"

- web-link Oeil: the New Caledonia Environment Observatory
- data portal Incendies Nouv. Caléd: calculation of risk maps for fire starts, biodiversity, erosion
- web-link Ecomore  : Economic development, ecosystem modifications, and emerging infectious diseases risk evaluation in South-East Asia
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to M. Mangeas's profile in the current state of the database

algorithmicsartificial intelligenceartificial neural networkartisanal fisherybig dataclassification - typologyclimate-society interactionclimatic forcingcomplex system /  cyclone /  data (environmental, socio-ecological)data (fisheries)data (genetics)data (georeferenced)data (healthcare)data (multisource)data (satellite)data analysisdata clusteringdata discoverydata driven approachdata fusiondata miningdecision support tooldengue feverdeterministic approachdifferential equationdynamical systemEcology (niche)ecosystem (marine)ecosystem dynamicsecosystem processenvironment (marine)environmental healthepidemic spreadEpidemiologyforecasting /  genetic algorithm /  GIS (Geogr. Inform. Sys.)indicator (environmental)infectious disease /  leptospirosis /  machine - deep learningMathematicsmathematics (applied)model (hybrid)model (mathematical)model (spatially explicit)model couplingMODELLINGmodelling (bayesian)modelling (calibration)modelling (complex system)modelling (epidemics)modelling (hydrological)modelling (mathematical)modelling (multi-scale)modelling (predictive)modelling (statistical)modelling (stochastic processes)modelling (validation)monitoring (health)multi-scale (spatial and temporal)multi-scale (spatial)multi-scale (temporal and functional)MULTIDISCIPLINARYnatural hazardNew Caledonianon linear dynamicsOneHealth - EcoHealthoperational researchoptimal control (mathematics)optimizationprevention (health)probability distributionprobability theorypublic healthR programmingremote sensingremote sensing VHSR (Very High Spatial Resolution)risk (environmental)risk (health)risk assessmentroad trafficSDG 03 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Health and well-being)SDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate)SDG 14 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Oceans)signal processingsimulationSouth Western Tropical Pacific OceanSouth-East Asiaspatial analysisspatial dynamicsstatisticsstatistics (spatial)time seriestropical endemicstuna fisheriesUMR Entropie (Tropic. Mar. Ecol. Pacific Indian Oceans) /


Last update : 2023-05-16  (id: 56 )

Navigation suggestion: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions ( 13 )  

CSS5 related headings

     Field Location
     illness- disease
     Method or approach
     Natural Item
     Natural Process
     Science or discipline
     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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