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Fiocruz : the brazilian Climate and Health Observatory (Observatório Clima e Saúde) LMI Sentinela : The joint international lab. for Transboundary Observation of Environment, Climate and Vector Diseases Theia - ART GeoDEV : Theia Regional Animation Network on space observation for southern countriesBelow: competencies in black when any are unique to N. Dessay's profile in the current state of the database
/ Brazil / capacity building / climate change impacts / climate-society interaction / data (satellite) / data analysis / data dissemination / data integration / data interoperability / data management / data processing / data workflow development / decision support tool / dengue fever / Ecology (landscape) / environment / Environment-Society relations / French Guiana / geographic information science / Geography (health) / geomatics / GIS (Geogr. Inform. Sys.) / global change impact / impact assesment (environment) / indicator (environmental) / infectious disease / integrative approach / IT project management / land use / landscape / Madagascar / malaria / Mali / monitoring (socio-environmental) / multi-scale (spatial and temporal) / MULTIDISCIPLINARY / observatory / operational engineering / radar / remote sensing / risk (environmental) / risk (health) / Sci. administration and management / SDG 03 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Health and well-being) / SDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education) / SDG 11 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Cities) / SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate) / sensor observation service / socio-ecosystem / Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) / Theia (data services infrastr. land surfaces) / training (fr: formation) / UMR Espace-dev (space for devel.) / urban computing / vector-borne disease /
Last update : 2023-09-27