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Multi-Modelling as Toolbox for Inclusive Management of the Amazonian Floodplains
geomatics, agent-based, numerical and companion modelling, constraint programming

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  BONNET, Marie-Paule / Multi-Modelling as Toolbox for Inclusive Management of the Amazonian Floodplains Competencies of  BONNET, Marie-Paule , senior scientist
UMR Espace-Dev   Space observation, models & actionable science

citations DBLP   citations Google scholar   citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   data portal SO-HYBAM   UMR Espace-Dev   web-link INCT Odisseia   web-link INPE   _get in touch  
The current research is entitled: "Socio-environmental dynamics of Amazonian floodplains: modeling as a tool for integrating knowledge"

- Data portal SO-HYBAM (HYdro-geochemistry of the AMazonian Basin): research support service for monitoring rivers and water resources in the Amazon
- Data portal Odisseia: Observatory of societies - environment dynamics in Brazil
- web-link INPE: brazilian National Institute for Space Research
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to M.P. Bonnet's profile in the current state of the database

adaptive managementaltiplano (Bolivia)Amazon plainAmazon riverbiodiversityBiogeochemistryBissau GuineaBrazilcarbon cycleclimate adaptationcollective learningconservation planningconstraint programmingcontrol and prevention strategydam (Hydrology)data (environmental, socio-ecological)data (satellite)data heterogeneitydecision support toolecosystem (aquatic)Environment-Society relationsflood (fr: crue ou inondation)floodplainforecastinggeomaticsGIS (Geogr. Inform. Sys.)global change impacthydrological basinhydrological monitoring systemHydrologyhydrosystemindicator (socio-environmental)lake /  Limnology /  model (agent-based)model (hybrid)model (numerical)model DEM (Digital Elevation Model)MODELLINGmodelling (agent-based and or individual-based)modelling (companion)modelling (conceptual)modelling (hydrodynamics)monitoring (hydrology)monitoring (socio-environmental)multi-agent systemmulti-scale (spatial)MULTIDISCIPLINARYnatural resource managementparticipatory mappingplanktonplankton (phyto)radar altimetryremote sensingrenewable resourceresource useSci. administration and managementSDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)SDG 06 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Water and sanitation)SDG 10 (Sust. Devel. Goal - World equity)SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate)SDG 15 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Terrestrial ecosystems)simulation (water flow)sustainability sciencesustainable managementUMR Espace-dev (space for devel.)water resourceswatershed (fr: bassin versant) /


Last update : 2022-03-14  (id: 63 )

Navigation suggestion: Multi-Coupled Modelling of Oceanic Circulation within the Air-Sea-Earth Continuum and Consequences on the Matter Cycle ( 7 )  

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