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Biostatistics and Modelling in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Application to biodiversity and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  PARADIS, Emmanuel / Biostatistics and Modelling in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Competencies of  PARADIS, Emmanuel , senior scientist
UMR ISEM   Montpellier Institute of Evolutionary Sciences

book(s)   citations Google scholar   citations HAL   citations IRD   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   software APE   software on GitHub   UMR ISEM   web-link Burapha Univ.   web-link CNES-Copernicus   _get in touch  
• Books: a collection of books on R programming with an emphasis on phylogenetics and genomics
• Software APE: an R package for the analysis of phylogenetics and evolution
• Software on GitHub:  a series of libraries devoted to phylogenetics + scientific utilities 
• Web link Burapha Univ.: one of the top public universities in Chon Buri, Thailand.
• Web link Copernicus: the CNES European Copernicus satellites program
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to E. Paradis's profile in the current state of the database

algorithmicsbig databiodiversitybiodiversity (anthropogenic influence)biogeographybioinformaticsBiology (evolutionary)biostatistics /  bootstrapping (statistics) /  capacity buildingcommunity (bacteria)comparative approachconservation biologydata (environmental, socio-ecological)data (genetics)data (georeferenced)data (missing data)data (satellite)data analysisdeforestationdevelopment (software architecture)Ecology (evolutionary)Ecology (terrestrial)ecosystem dynamicsecosystem process /  estimator (statistics) /  field sampling (fr: échantillonnage)fishesgenome diversificationgenomicsgenomics (evolutive)Indonesia /  macroevolution /  mathematics (applied)maximum likelihood estimationMCMC (Markov Chain Monte-Carlo)metagenomicsmodel (birth-death)model GLM (General Linearized Model) /  model selection /  MODELLINGmodelling (ecological)modelling (mathematical)modelling (statistical)modelling (stochastic processes)modelling (survival analysis)modelling (validation)Molecular Biologymolecular dating (evolutionary Biology)multidimensional scalingMULTIDISCIPLINARYmultivariate data analysis (MVA)Myomorpha (mice, rats,etc.)NGS (Next Generation Sequencing)non linear dynamicsopen sourcePhylogeneticspopulation dynamicspopulation geneticsR programmingremote sensingSDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)SDG 14 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Oceans)SDG 15 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Terrestrial ecosystems)simulationsoftware engineeringSouth-East AsiaspeciationstatisticsThailandtraining (fr: formation) /  UMR ISEM (Montp. Inst. Evolut. Sci.) /  uncertainty assessment /


Last update : 2023-02-20  (id: 67 )

Navigation suggestion: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions ( 13 )  

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