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web link Copernicus: the emergency management service of Copernicus web link HASARD : generation of flood maps on a global scale from satellite data web link ICSMD: The International Charter Space and Major Disasters (Satellite data to support disaster response worldwide)Below: competencies in black when any are unique to R. Hostache's profile in the current state of the database
/ adaptive management / algorithmics / altiplano (Bolivia) / arid or semi-arid zone / big data / Bolivia / Brazil / Cambodia / cartography and mapping / climate adaptation / climate change impacts / climate-society interaction / climatic forcing / Climatology / Climatology (hydro) / data (georeferenced) / data (Hydrology) / data (missing data) / data (multisource) / data (satellite) / data analysis / data assimilation / data collection / data driven approach / data heterogeneity / data processing / DATA SCIENCE / decision support tool / development (software architecture) / drought / dynamical system / environment / FAIR (Find, Access, Interoperate, Reuse) data / flood (fr: crue ou inondation) / forecasting / geomatics / geomorphometry (hydro) / Geoscience / GIS (Geogr. Inform. Sys.) / Hydraulics / hydrography / hydrological basin / hydrological monitoring system / Hydrology / hydrometry / hydrosystem / image processing / impact assessment (health) / impact assessment (water) / India / indicator (environmental) / information processing / integrative approach / inter-tropical (region) / interpolation / land surfaces / matter transportation (Hydrology) / model (flow propagation) / model (numerical) / model (operational) / model coupling / model DEM (Digital Elevation Model) / MODELLING / modelling (bayesian) / modelling (hydrodynamics) / modelling (hydrological) / modelling (mathematical) / modelling (multi-scale) / modelling (statistical) / modelling (stochastic processes) / modelling (validation) / monitoring (environmental) / monitoring (hydrology) / monitoring network / multi-model coupling (MMC) / multi-scale (spatial) / multi-spectral image / MULTIDISCIPLINARY / Myanmar (Burma) / natural hazard / Niger country / observatory / open science / operational research / particle filter (sequential Monte Carlo method) / patent filing (fr: dépot de brevet) / radar / remote sensing / remote sensing VHSR (Very High Spatial Resolution) / resource use / risk (disaster) / risk (environmental) / risk (health) / risk assessment / river / satellite product / SDG 03 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Health and well-being) / SDG 06 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Water and sanitation) / SDG 11 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Cities) / SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate) / SDG 15 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Terrestrial ecosystems) / sediment transportation (Hydrology) / simulation (water flow) / socio-ecosystem / socio-hydrology / software engineering / spatial analysis / sustainable management / synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) / UMR Espace-dev (space for devel.) / uncertainty assessment / water resources / watershed (fr: bassin versant) /
Last update : 2023-04-19