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Data Computation and Analysis of Socio-Spatial Urban Mobility and Segregation Processes
Machine learning and statistical physics for modelling socio-economic urban systems

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  GAUVIN, Laetitia / Data Computation and Analysis of Socio-Spatial Urban Mobility and Segregation Processes Competencies of  GAUVIN, Laetitia , senior scientist
UMR PRODIG   Pôle de Recherche pour l'Organisation et la Diffusion de l'Information Géographique (Res. Cent. for Geog. Inf. Organ. Dissemin.)

citations DBLP   citations Google scholar   citations ORCID   citations ResearchGate   data portal OpenMobility   Personal home page   PhD thesis report   software bike safety   UMR PRODIG   web-link A.Turing Inst.   web-link CSS-France   _get in touch  
The current project is entitled: "Mapping of Inequalities in Human Mobility Behavior"

- data portal Open Mobility : extensive archive of public transit data around the World
- PhD thesis report (2010, in french): Modeling socio-economic systems using statistical physics tools
- software bike safety: an interface designed to show a plan of investment to extend the bicycle network in different cities optimizing safety.
- A.Turing Inst.: The UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence
- CSS-France  : The french local chapter of the Complex Systems Society
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to L. Gauvin's profile in the current state of the database

artificial intelligenceartificial neural networkbig dataclassification - typologycollective behaviourcomplex systemComplexity ScienceComputational Sociologycomputer scienceconnectivitydata (georeferenced)data (missing data)data (multimodal)data (multisource)data (personal)data analysisdata collectiondata discoverydata driven approachdata fusiondata glitch detection (fr: détection d'anomalies)data heterogeneitydata interoperabilitydata miningdata processingDATA SCIENCEepidemic spreadgendermachine - deep learning /  mobility (urban) /  model (Schelling segregation) /  MODELLINGmodelling (bayesian)modelling (behaviour)modelling (complex system)modelling (epidemics)modelling (mathematical)modelling (statistical)multidimensional scalingMULTIDISCIPLINARYpattern recognitionPhysicspublic healthroad safetyroad trafficSARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) /  SDG 05 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Gender equality) /  SDG 10 (Sust. Devel. Goal - World equity)SDG 11 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Cities)SDG 16 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Society)social network analysissocial representation /  socio-economic system /  spatial analysisspatial dynamics /  statistical physics /  statistics /  sustainability (cities) /  teaching in computer sciencetraining (fr: formation)UMR PRODIG (Res. Cent. for Geog. Inf. Organ. Dissemin.)urban computingweb scraping /


Last update : 2024-10-18  (id: 79 )

Navigation suggestion: Scientific Computing and Remote Sensing for Monitoring Socio-Environmental Impacts ( 4 )  

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     illness- disease
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