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The current research is entitled : Opportunities and challenges of applied research on coastal vulnerability in West Africa: from spatial observation to forecasting • Video: Saint-Louis Senegal coastal erosion from space research program (3'34" in French) • CNES Pleiades: The very high resolution satellites constellation (CNES) • LEGOS-LITTORAL: LEGOS team devoted to coasts self dynamics and relationships with sediments, climate patterns, continental shelves... • WACA-VAR : The WACA (West Africa Coastal Areas) interdisciplinary program for Mapping Vulnerability, Adaptation and Resilience in a changing climate.Below: competencies in black when any are unique to R. Almar's profile in the current state of the database
/ artificial intelligence / artificial neural network / Atlantic ocean (intertropical) / atlas edition / Benin / capacity building / Chile / climatic forcing / coastal processes / data (satellite) / dynamical system / ecosystem (coastal) / environment / environment (marine) / erosion / extreme event / FAIR (Find, Access, Interoperate, Reuse) data / flood (fr: crue ou inondation) / forecasting / Geomorphology / impact assesment (environment) / impact assessment (water) / integrative approach / inter-tropical (region) / Lidar (Laser aerial Imaging) / machine - deep learning / matter transportation (Hydrology) / model (mathematical) / model (numerical) / model (operational) / model coupling / MODELLING / modelling (hydrological) / modelling (mathematical) / modelling (physics) / modelling (predictive) / monitoring (environmental) / morphodynamics (coastal) / multi-scale (spatial and temporal) / multi-scale (spatial) / multi-sensor approach / natural hazard / ocean circulation / Oceanography / operational research / patent filing (fr: dépot de brevet) / remote sensing / remote sensing VHSR (Very High Spatial Resolution) / research cruise / risk (disaster) / risk (environmental) / risk assessment / satellite product / SDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education) / SDG 09 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Industry) / SDG 11 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Cities) / SDG 13 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Climate) / SDG 14 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Oceans) / sea level / sediment transportation (Hydrology) / Senegal / socio-ecosystem / socio-hydrology / training (fr: formation) / UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, drone) / UMR LEGOS (Space Geophys. Oceanogr. Studies Lab.) / vulnerability / West Africa /
Last update : 2024-04-08