SDG 02 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Alimentation): 18
N. Poulicard
Agro-ecological analysis and modelling of evolutive tropical plant microbiomes
(Combining genomic and field data for modelling and phylogenetic reconstruction)
L. Berti-Equille
Data Quality Awareness for Computational Sustainability
(Statistical machine learning, data cleaning, probabilistic inference, data fusion, data quality, data management)
A. Ogilvie
Dynamics of Hydrosystems and their Associated Services
(Multi-scale data management and analysis)
N. Bez
Geostatistics for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(A study of movements and trajectories)
F. Molle
Hydrosystems Management and Governance
Integrated Modelling of Marine Socio-Ecosystems
(Scenarios of adaptation to climate change)
D. Gaertner (retired 2023)
Integrative Approach for Tropical Tuna Resource and Exploitation Sustainability
(International expertise on regional fisheries management)
P. Larmande
Knowledge Extraction and Diffusion of Genome-Phenome Relationships in Tropical Agronomy
(semantic web and ontologies, interoperability, FAIR data portal development)
F. Sabot
Methods and Tools for Pangenomic Studies
(Application to domestic edible plants improvement)
J.-C. Poussin (retired 2020)
Modelling and Adaptative Management of Water Resources for Agriculture in West Africa
(Integrated approach of water resources and water usages)
J. Malard
Participatory Modelling and Citizen Science for Small-Scale Agricultural Development
(Enhancing local ecological knowledge at the nexus between culture, water resources and food webs)
Spatial Agro-Hydrology; Satellite Data Mining and Assimilation
(Modelling and predicting interactions between agriculture and water resources)
R. Guyot
Structure and Evolutionary History of Tropical Plant Genomes
(Safeguard, analysis and promotion of wild plant diversity in developing countries)
M. Loireau
Territories in Transition and Viability of Systems
( Development of spatio-temporal analysis tools to support decision and observatories)
P. Bach
The Southwest Indian Ocean under the Prism of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(Mitigation measures and fishing gear technology dedicated to bycatch of pelagic longline fisheries)
P. Brehmer
Transdisciplinary Approach to the Sustainability of Fisheries Resources and their Habitats
P. Morand
Vulnerability of Fishermen's Communities Facing Global Changes
(Combining biostatistics, Fisheries and Social sciences in Africa and South-East Asia)
M. Lucas
[IN CONSTRUCTION - NOT VALIDATED] Systems Biology and Structure-Function Modelling of Tropical Edible Plants
(Gene regulatory network and 3D data modelling of root systems)