SDG 10 (Sust. Devel. Goal - World equity): 9
C. Selinger (CSS5 resigned 2021)
Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Multi-Strain Viral Epidemics
(stochastic simulation, machine learning, bayesian computation, graph theory)
M. Labadie
Deployment of Innovative Uses of Information Technology
(Chief officer in IT systems management and development)
E. Roux
Design of Cross-Border One-Health Observatories in South America
(Data science and models for understanding and control of eco-epidemiological systems)
B. Granouillac
Full Stack Conception and Development of IT Systems Dedicated to Public Health
(cyber security and quality standards for data portal and networks in developing countries)
E. Reuter
Full-Stack Development and Management of Network and DataBase Solutions
(network cartography, database cleaning, cybersecurity)
Integrated Modelling of Marine Socio-Ecosystems
(Scenarios of adaptation to climate change)
M.P. Bonnet
Multi-Modelling as Toolbox for Inclusive Management of the Amazonian Floodplains
(geomatics, agent-based, numerical and companion modelling, constraint programming)
L. Drapeau
Spatial Dynamics Modelling of Natural Drivers for Socio-Ecosystems Management and Multidisciplinary Studies
(applied mathematics, spatial statistics, spatial data infrastructures)
M. Loireau
Territories in Transition and Viability of Systems
( Development of spatio-temporal analysis tools to support decision and observatories)