computer science: 29
J. Le Fur
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Marine and Terrestrial EcoSociological Systems
(Conception and development of information systems dedicated to formalization of knowledge)
J.-D. Zucker
AI and Machine Learning for decision support tools addressing precision medicine and natural hazards issues
(Explainable Machine Learning and Agent-Based Multiscale Modelling)
Applied Meta-Acoustics for Biological Conservation within Southern Countries
(Ecological study and conservation tool based on sound environments collections (soundscape ecology))
D. Justeau-Allaire
Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems Management
(constraint programming, landscape simulation, and hybrid AI to enhance decision support)
C. Selinger (CSS5 resigned 2021)
Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Multi-Strain Viral Epidemics
(stochastic simulation, machine learning, bayesian computation, graph theory)
S. Fiat
Curation, Conservation and Management of Scientific Data Portals on Reef Ecosystems
(Development, coordination and management of Information Systems)
R. Djidjou Demasse
Data Analysis and Mathematical Models for Sustainable Control of Antibiotic Resistance
L. Gauvin
Data Computation and Analysis of Socio-Spatial Urban Mobility and Segregation Processes
(Machine learning and statistical physics for modelling socio-economic urban systems)
L. Berti-Equille
Data Quality Awareness for Computational Sustainability
(Statistical machine learning, data cleaning, probabilistic inference, data fusion, data quality, data management)
M. Labadie
Deployment of Innovative Uses of Information Technology
(Chief officer in IT systems management and development)
E. Roux
Design of Cross-Border One-Health Observatories in South America
(Data science and models for understanding and control of eco-epidemiological systems)
J. Guérin
Developing Machine Learning Approaches to Enhance Global Resilience to Climate Change
(ML experiments design, runtime monitoring, robustness assessment, optimisation and evaluation)
J.C. Desconnets
Development and Dissemination of Spatially Referenced Information Systems
(IRD infrastructure and digital data coordination)
P. Lebellegard (retired 2023)
Development of Seismic Monitoring Networks in the South Pacific Islands
B. Granouillac
Full Stack Conception and Development of IT Systems Dedicated to Public Health
(cyber security and quality standards for data portal and networks in developing countries)
E. Reuter (CSS5 resigned 2024)
Full-Stack Development and Management of Network and DataBase Solutions
(network cartography, database cleaning, cybersecurity)
N. Barrier
Improving computational efficiency of multi-level, multi-scale marine environment models
(oceanography, hydrodynamics, ecology, trophic chain)
Integrative -omics Approaches in Evolutionary Ecology
(adaptation and domestication in Amazonian trees and palms)
S. Giffard-Roisin
Machine Learning for Surveillance, Understanding and Prediction of Natural Hazards
C. Dupouy (retired 2024)
Measuring Lagoons Anthropization of South Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
(Combining field surveys, ocean color remote sensing database management and algorithmic analyses)
A. Drogoul
Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Research and Operational Decision Support
(Direction in development and computer science research)
R. Hocde
Multi-Thematic Scientific Computing and Information Systems in Biological Oceanography
(Scientific diving, research cruises and IT systems development and management)
M. Simier
Multidimensional Statistics and Management of Marine Biodiversity Data
(Aquatic Ecology and Fish Communities)
F. Niño
Processing and Dissemination of Satellite Altimetry Data for Water Resources and Coastal Management
(radar altimetry, deep learning, numerical simulation)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)
L. Decker (CSS5 resigned 2024)
Reporting, Preservation and Dissemination of Research Data
(data librarian and data publishing expert)
L. Drapeau
Spatial Dynamics Modelling of Natural Drivers for Socio-Ecosystems Management and Multidisciplinary Studies
(applied mathematics, spatial statistics, spatial data infrastructures)
J. Carreau (CSS5 resigned 2021)
Statistical Modelling for the Study of Climatic Forcings in the Mediterranean
(Extreme value theory, non parametric approach and mathematical disaggregation (downscaling))
R. Guyot
Structure and Evolutionary History of Tropical Plant Genomes
(Safeguard, analysis and promotion of wild plant diversity in developing countries)