data driven approach: 9
L. Berti-Equille
Data Quality Awareness for Computational Sustainability
(Statistical machine learning, data cleaning, probabilistic inference, data fusion, data quality, data management)
J. Guérin
Developing Machine Learning Approaches to Enhance Global Resilience to Climate Change
(ML experiments design, runtime monitoring, robustness assessment, optimisation and evaluation)
N. Bez
Geostatistics for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(A study of movements and trajectories)
P. Larmande
Knowledge Extraction and Diffusion of Genome-Phenome Relationships in Tropical Agronomy
(semantic web and ontologies, interoperability, FAIR data portal development)
S. Giffard-Roisin
Machine Learning for Surveillance, Understanding and Prediction of Natural Hazards
R. Hostache
Monitoring and Integrated Modelling of Hydrological Resources and Risks (Floods and Droughts)
(remote sensing data analysis, assimilation and modelling)
A. Drogoul
Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Research and Operational Decision Support
(Direction in development and computer science research)
M. Mangeas
Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues
(optimization, hybrid system, neural network, genetic algorithms)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)