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: 14 members
J. Landier
Accelerating Malaria Eradication in West Africa
(Identification, characterization and treatment of persistence foci)
J. Le Fur
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Marine and Terrestrial EcoSociological Systems
(Conception and development of information systems dedicated to formalization of knowledge)
J.C. Desconnets
Development and Dissemination of Spatially Referenced Information Systems
(IRD infrastructure and digital data coordination)
D. Jouffre
Eco-Biology of Coastal Resources Assemblages
(Population dynamics, stock assessment and fisheries management in West Africa)
A. Laraque (retired 2021)
Hydrology, Matter Flows and Long-Term Evolution of Very Large River Basins
(environmental observatories of inter-tropical and peri-Atlantic wide hydrosystems)
A. Dezetter
Hydrosystems and Water Resources Modelling
(Integrated approach to vulnerable water resources under changes and uncertainty)
R. Hostache
Monitoring and Integrated Modelling of Hydrological Resources and Risks (Floods and Droughts)
(remote sensing data analysis, assimilation and modelling)
R. Almar
Morphodynamics to Assess and Forecast Coastal Vulnerability in the Intertropical Zone
(combining applied partnership and new generation remote sensing)
R. Hocde
Multi-Thematic Scientific Computing and Information Systems in Biological Oceanography
(Scientific diving, research cruises and IT systems development and management)
C. Proisy
Observation and Modelling of the Dynamics of Mangrove Coasts under Amazonian Influences
(remote sensing of tropical forests, vulnerability of mangrove coasts)
P. Gluski
Processing, Analysis and Representation of Spatial Data and Information
(Research unit administration and management)
C. Lett
Quantifying Connectivity and Resilience of Marine Networks Under Climate Change
(Individual based models of recruitment and larval stages passive dispersal)
N. Dessay
Remote Sensing Data Flow Development and Management in Health, Climate and Environmental Domains
(consortia animation for provision of satellite products)
J. Ferraris (retired 2020)
Socio-Ecology of Coastal and Recifal Ecosystems
(Integrated and collaborative management, education and impact assessment)