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: 6 members
F. Satgé
Anthropogenic Impact on the Evolution of Water Resources under Climatic Constraints
(Contribution of remote sensing to socio-hydrological approaches)
A. Ogilvie
Dynamics of Hydrosystems and their Associated Services
(Multi-scale data management and analysis)
F. Molle
Hydrosystems Management and Governance
J.-C. Poussin (retired 2020)
Modelling and Adaptative Management of Water Resources for Agriculture in West Africa
(Integrated approach of water resources and water usages)
J. Malard
Participatory Modelling and Citizen Science for Small-Scale Agricultural Development
(Enhancing local ecological knowledge at the nexus between culture, water resources and food webs)
Spatial Agro-Hydrology; Satellite Data Mining and Assimilation
(Modelling and predicting interactions between agriculture and water resources)