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Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions
Applied Research on Andean Countries Volcanology

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  ROCHE, Olivier / Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions Competencies of  ROCHE, Olivier , senior scientist
UMR LMV   Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans

article   citations IRD   citations ORCID   Personal home page   UMR LMV   video   web-link INGEMMET   _get in touch  
DOI: Discharge rate of explosive volcanic eruption controls runout distance of pyroclastic density currents (Earth Planet. Sc. Lett. 2021)
Video: Tsunamis generated by fluidized granular collapse
Web-link INGEMMET: peruvian Geological, Mining, and Metallurgical Institute
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to O. Roche's profile in the current state of the database

Andes /  avalanche (volcanism) /  caldera formation /  Chiledata (acoustics)data analysis /  density current (pyroclastic) /  dimensional analysisEcuadorerosionexperimental device /  explosive eruption /  extreme event /  fluidization /  GeophysicsGeoscience /  granular flow (volcanism) /  magma reservoir /  model (flow propagation)model (numerical) /  model (physical scale) /  model (two-phase flow) /  MODELLINGmodelling (predictive)PeruPhysics /  pore fluid pressure /  pyroclastic flow /  risk (seismic - telluric)risk assessmentSDG 11 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Cities)simulationtsunami /  UMR LMV (Lab. Magmas & Volcanoes) /  volcanic ash fall /  volcanic hazard /  volcanic plume /  volcanic supereruption /  volcanism (eruptive) /  Volcanology /


Last update : 2023-02-21  (id: 23 )

Navigation suggestion: Biostatistics and Modelling in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology ( 26 )  

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     Field Location
     Method or approach
     Natural Item
     Natural Process
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     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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