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modelling (habitat, ecology)
: 7 members
J. Le Fur
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Marine and Terrestrial EcoSociological Systems
(Conception and development of information systems dedicated to formalization of knowledge)
D. Justeau-Allaire
Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems Management
(constraint programming, landscape simulation, and hybrid AI to enhance decision support)
R. Djidjou Demasse
Data Analysis and Mathematical Models for Sustainable Control of Antibiotic Resistance
E. Roux
Design of Cross-Border One-Health Observatories in South America
(Data science and models for understanding and control of eco-epidemiological systems)
N. Bez
Geostatistics for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(A study of movements and trajectories)
R. Devillers
Interdisciplinary Mapping, Conservation and Protection of Marine Habitats
(cartographic data quality expertise, participatory mapping, training and education)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)