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modelling (hydrological)
: 9 members
F. Satgé
Anthropogenic Impact on the Evolution of Water Resources under Climatic Constraints
(Contribution of remote sensing to socio-hydrological approaches)
J.C. Desconnets
Development and Dissemination of Spatially Referenced Information Systems
(IRD infrastructure and digital data coordination)
C. Depraetere (CSS5 resigned 2023)
Dynamic Processes on Islands and Other Fragmented Geographical Structures
(Nissology (science of islands and islandness))
A. Ogilvie
Dynamics of Hydrosystems and their Associated Services
(Multi-scale data management and analysis)
A. Dezetter
Hydrosystems and Water Resources Modelling
(Integrated approach to vulnerable water resources under changes and uncertainty)
R. Hostache
Monitoring and Integrated Modelling of Hydrological Resources and Risks (Floods and Droughts)
(remote sensing data analysis, assimilation and modelling)
J.C. Bader (retired 2021)
Monitoring, Modelling and Simulation of River Hydrology
(Proactive Management of Water Reservoirs and Floods in West Africa)
R. Almar
Morphodynamics to Assess and Forecast Coastal Vulnerability in the Intertropical Zone
(combining applied partnership and new generation remote sensing)
M. Mangeas
Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues
(optimization, hybrid system, neural network, genetic algorithms)