simulation: 24
J. Le Fur
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Marine and Terrestrial EcoSociological Systems
(Conception and development of information systems dedicated to formalization of knowledge)
J.-D. Zucker
AI and Machine Learning for decision support tools addressing precision medicine and natural hazards issues
(Explainable Machine Learning and Agent-Based Multiscale Modelling)
E. Bonnet
Analyzes of Geographic Determinants of Health Events to Optimize Monitoring within Public Health Policy
(design of tools and processes for data collection, tracking, monitoring and diffusion of spatialized health data)
D. Justeau-Allaire
Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems Management
(constraint programming, landscape simulation, and hybrid AI to enhance decision support)
E. Paradis
Biostatistics and Modelling in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
(Application to biodiversity and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems)
C. Selinger (CSS5 resigned 2021)
Computational and Mathematical Modelling of Multi-Strain Viral Epidemics
(stochastic simulation, machine learning, bayesian computation, graph theory)
R. Djidjou Demasse
Data Analysis and Mathematical Models for Sustainable Control of Antibiotic Resistance
J. Guérin
Developing Machine Learning Approaches to Enhance Global Resilience to Climate Change
(ML experiments design, runtime monitoring, robustness assessment, optimisation and evaluation)
O. Roche
Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions
(Applied Research on Andean Countries Volcanology)
N. Bez
Geostatistics for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(A study of movements and trajectories)
A. Dezetter
Hydrosystems and Water Resources Modelling
(Integrated approach to vulnerable water resources under changes and uncertainty)
N. Barrier
Improving computational efficiency of multi-level, multi-scale marine environment models
(oceanography, hydrodynamics, ecology, trophic chain)
Integrated Modelling of Marine Socio-Ecosystems
(Scenarios of adaptation to climate change)
D. Gaertner (retired 2023)
Integrative Approach for Tropical Tuna Resource and Exploitation Sustainability
(International expertise on regional fisheries management)
J.-C. Poussin (retired 2020)
Modelling and Adaptative Management of Water Resources for Agriculture in West Africa
(Integrated approach of water resources and water usages)
J.C. Bader (retired 2021)
Monitoring, Modelling and Simulation of River Hydrology
(Proactive Management of Water Reservoirs and Floods in West Africa)
M. Herrmann (CSS5 resigned)
Multi-Coupled Modelling of Oceanic Circulation within the Air-Sea-Earth Continuum and Consequences on the Matter Cycle
(Focus on oceanic convection, chaotic variability applied to semi-enclosed sea and regional marine systems)
A. Drogoul
Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Research and Operational Decision Support
(Direction in development and computer science research)
M. Mangeas
Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues
(optimization, hybrid system, neural network, genetic algorithms)
J. Malard
Participatory Modelling and Citizen Science for Small-Scale Agricultural Development
(Enhancing local ecological knowledge at the nexus between culture, water resources and food webs)
F. Niño
Processing and Dissemination of Satellite Altimetry Data for Water Resources and Coastal Management
(radar altimetry, deep learning, numerical simulation)
C. Lett
Quantifying Connectivity and Resilience of Marine Networks Under Climate Change
(Individual based models of recruitment and larval stages passive dispersal)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)
L. Decker (CSS5 resigned 2024)
Reporting, Preservation and Dissemination of Research Data
(data librarian and data publishing expert)