sustainability science: 12
D. Justeau-Allaire
Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems Management
(constraint programming, landscape simulation, and hybrid AI to enhance decision support)
R. Djidjou Demasse
Data Analysis and Mathematical Models for Sustainable Control of Antibiotic Resistance
L. Berti-Equille
Data Quality Awareness for Computational Sustainability
(Statistical machine learning, data cleaning, probabilistic inference, data fusion, data quality, data management)
A. Ogilvie
Dynamics of Hydrosystems and their Associated Services
(Multi-scale data management and analysis)
R. Devillers
Interdisciplinary Mapping, Conservation and Protection of Marine Habitats
(cartographic data quality expertise, participatory mapping, training and education)
M. Herrmann (CSS5 resigned)
Multi-Coupled Modelling of Oceanic Circulation within the Air-Sea-Earth Continuum and Consequences on the Matter Cycle
(Focus on oceanic convection, chaotic variability applied to semi-enclosed sea and regional marine systems)
M.P. Bonnet
Multi-Modelling as Toolbox for Inclusive Management of the Amazonian Floodplains
(geomatics, agent-based, numerical and companion modelling, constraint programming)
A. Drogoul
Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Research and Operational Decision Support
(Direction in development and computer science research)
R. Hocde
Multi-Thematic Scientific Computing and Information Systems in Biological Oceanography
(Scientific diving, research cruises and IT systems development and management)
J. Malard
Participatory Modelling and Citizen Science for Small-Scale Agricultural Development
(Enhancing local ecological knowledge at the nexus between culture, water resources and food webs)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)
P. Brehmer
Transdisciplinary Approach to the Sustainability of Fisheries Resources and their Habitats