citations ResearchGate: 56
J. Landier
Accelerating Malaria Eradication in West Africa
(Identification, characterization and treatment of persistence foci)
A. Lebourges-Dhaussy
Active Acoustics as a Tool for Marine Pelagic Ecology and Oceanography
(Research administration and management)
J. Le Fur
Agent-Based Modelling of Complex Marine and Terrestrial EcoSociological Systems
(Conception and development of information systems dedicated to formalization of knowledge)
N. Poulicard
Agro-ecological analysis and modelling of evolutive tropical plant microbiomes
(Combining genomic and field data for modelling and phylogenetic reconstruction)
J.-D. Zucker
AI and Machine Learning for decision support tools addressing precision medicine and natural hazards issues
(Explainable Machine Learning and Agent-Based Multiscale Modelling)
E. Bonnet
Analyzes of Geographic Determinants of Health Events to Optimize Monitoring within Public Health Policy
(design of tools and processes for data collection, tracking, monitoring and diffusion of spatialized health data)
F. Satgé
Anthropogenic Impact on the Evolution of Water Resources under Climatic Constraints
(Contribution of remote sensing to socio-hydrological approaches)
Applied Meta-Acoustics for Biological Conservation within Southern Countries
(Ecological study and conservation tool based on sound environments collections (soundscape ecology))
D. Justeau-Allaire
Artificial Intelligence and Spatial Planning for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems Management
(constraint programming, landscape simulation, and hybrid AI to enhance decision support)
E. Paradis
Biostatistics and Modelling in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
(Application to biodiversity and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems)
S. Mangiarotti
Chaos Theory as a Multipurpose Approach to Challenge Forecasting of Semi-Arid and Intertropical Dynamical Systems
(Application of the global modelling technique to eco-epidemiology, hydro-climatology, ecology)
L. Fleury
Data Acquisition and Enhancement in Population-Health-Environment Domain
(management and development of society-environment observatories)
R. Djidjou Demasse
Data Analysis and Mathematical Models for Sustainable Control of Antibiotic Resistance
L. Berti-Equille
Data Quality Awareness for Computational Sustainability
(Statistical machine learning, data cleaning, probabilistic inference, data fusion, data quality, data management)
E. Roux
Design of Cross-Border One-Health Observatories in South America
(Data science and models for understanding and control of eco-epidemiological systems)
J.C. Desconnets
Development and Dissemination of Spatially Referenced Information Systems
(IRD infrastructure and digital data coordination)
A. Ogilvie
Dynamics of Hydrosystems and their Associated Services
(Multi-scale data management and analysis)
D. Jouffre
Eco-Biology of Coastal Resources Assemblages
(Population dynamics, stock assessment and fisheries management in West Africa)
Evolution of the Water Cycle Within the Intertropical Band
(Hyper-resolved modelling of the critical zone)
J. Jouanno
Fine Scale Numerical Models of Loop Current Eddies and Related Upper Ocean Dynamics
(Multidisciplinary forecast of tropical ocean hazards: Sargassum proliferation, oil pollution spread, river plumes fate)
A. Laraque (retired 2021)
Hydrology, Matter Flows and Long-Term Evolution of Very Large River Basins
(environmental observatories of inter-tropical and peri-Atlantic wide hydrosystems)
A. Dezetter
Hydrosystems and Water Resources Modelling
(Integrated approach to vulnerable water resources under changes and uncertainty)
F. Molle
Hydrosystems Management and Governance
N. Barrier
Improving computational efficiency of multi-level, multi-scale marine environment models
(oceanography, hydrodynamics, ecology, trophic chain)
Integrated Modelling of Marine Socio-Ecosystems
(Scenarios of adaptation to climate change)
Integrative -omics Approaches in Evolutionary Ecology
(adaptation and domestication in Amazonian trees and palms)
D. Gaertner (retired 2023)
Integrative Approach for Tropical Tuna Resource and Exploitation Sustainability
(International expertise on regional fisheries management)
R. Devillers
Interdisciplinary Mapping, Conservation and Protection of Marine Habitats
(cartographic data quality expertise, participatory mapping, training and education)
P. Larmande
Knowledge Extraction and Diffusion of Genome-Phenome Relationships in Tropical Agronomy
(semantic web and ontologies, interoperability, FAIR data portal development)
C. Dupouy (retired 2024)
Measuring Lagoons Anthropization of South Western Tropical Pacific Ocean
(Combining field surveys, ocean color remote sensing database management and algorithmic analyses)
F. Sabot
Methods and Tools for Pangenomic Studies
(Application to domestic edible plants improvement)
J.-C. Poussin (retired 2020)
Modelling and Adaptative Management of Water Resources for Agriculture in West Africa
(Integrated approach of water resources and water usages)
R. Hostache
Monitoring and Integrated Modelling of Hydrological Resources and Risks (Floods and Droughts)
(remote sensing data analysis, assimilation and modelling)
R. Almar
Morphodynamics to Assess and Forecast Coastal Vulnerability in the Intertropical Zone
(combining applied partnership and new generation remote sensing)
M. Herrmann (CSS5 resigned)
Multi-Coupled Modelling of Oceanic Circulation within the Air-Sea-Earth Continuum and Consequences on the Matter Cycle
(Focus on oceanic convection, chaotic variability applied to semi-enclosed sea and regional marine systems)
M.P. Bonnet
Multi-Modelling as Toolbox for Inclusive Management of the Amazonian Floodplains
(geomatics, agent-based, numerical and companion modelling, constraint programming)
A. Drogoul
Multi-Scale Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation for Research and Operational Decision Support
(Direction in development and computer science research)
R. Hocde
Multi-Thematic Scientific Computing and Information Systems in Biological Oceanography
(Scientific diving, research cruises and IT systems development and management)
M. Simier
Multidimensional Statistics and Management of Marine Biodiversity Data
(Aquatic Ecology and Fish Communities)
M. Mangeas
Operational Application of Deterministic and Stochastic Mathematics to Spatio-Temporal Environment-Health Issues
(optimization, hybrid system, neural network, genetic algorithms)
J. Malard
Participatory Modelling and Citizen Science for Small-Scale Agricultural Development
(Enhancing local ecological knowledge at the nexus between culture, water resources and food webs)
F. Niño
Processing and Dissemination of Satellite Altimetry Data for Water Resources and Coastal Management
(radar altimetry, deep learning, numerical simulation)
P. Gluski
Processing, Analysis and Representation of Spatial Data and Information
(Research unit administration and management)
Reconciling Exploitation and Conservation of Tropical Pelagic Ecosystems
(Derivation of alternative abundance indicators coupling operational models with fishery independant data)
N. Dessay
Remote Sensing Data Flow Development and Management in Health, Climate and Environmental Domains
(consortia animation for provision of satellite products)
C. Proisy
Remote Sensing of Tropical Forest
(vulnerability of mangrove coasts)
Spatial Agro-Hydrology; Satellite Data Mining and Assimilation
(Modelling and predicting interactions between agriculture and water resources)
L. Drapeau
Spatial Dynamics Modelling of Natural Drivers for Socio-Ecosystems Management and Multidisciplinary Studies
(applied mathematics, spatial statistics, spatial data infrastructures)
J. Carreau (CSS5 resigned 2021)
Statistical Modelling for the Study of Climatic Forcings in the Mediterranean
(Extreme value theory, non parametric approach and mathematical disaggregation (downscaling))
R. Guyot
Structure and Evolutionary History of Tropical Plant Genomes
(Safeguard, analysis and promotion of wild plant diversity in developing countries)
M. Loireau
Territories in Transition and Viability of Systems
( Development of spatio-temporal analysis tools to support decision and observatories)
P. Bach
The Southwest Indian Ocean under the Prism of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
(Mitigation measures and fishing gear technology dedicated to bycatch of pelagic longline fisheries)
P. Brehmer
Transdisciplinary Approach to the Sustainability of Fisheries Resources and their Habitats
P. Ploton
Vulnerability of African Tropical Forests to Global Changes
(satellite/aerial sensing and modelling of canopy trees structure biomass and phenology)
P. Morand
Vulnerability of Fishermen's Communities Facing Global Changes
(Combining biostatistics, Fisheries and Social sciences in Africa and South-East Asia)
M. Lucas
[IN CONSTRUCTION - NOT VALIDATED] Systems Biology and Structure-Function Modelling of Tropical Edible Plants
(Gene regulatory network and 3D data modelling of root systems)