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Software APECOSM (Apex Predators ECOSystem Model) : spatialized dynamics of open ocean pelagic ecosystems in the global ocean. web-link CLIOTOP: Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators Regional program part of the International Integrated Marine BiospherE Research (IMBeR) web-link Fish-MIP: The Fisheries and Marine Ecosystem Model Intercomparison Project (Fish-MIP)Below: competencies in black when any are unique to O.Maury's profile in the current state of the database
/ anthropocene (epoch) / anthropogenic impact / artisanal fishery / Atlantic ocean / Atlantic ocean (intertropical) / behaviour (fish) / Benguela ecosystem / biocoenosis / biodiversity / biodiversity (anthropogenic influence) / biodiversity (conservation) / biodiversity (functional) / biodiversity (hotspot) / biodiversity (marine) / Biogeochemistry / biogeography / Biology (marine) / biomass (ocean) / capacity building / catchability / Central East Atlantic Ocean / climate adaptation / climate change impacts / climate-society interaction / climatic forcing / coastal processes / collective behaviour / comparative approach / complex system / data (fisheries) / data assimilation / demersal fish species / diel migration (mar. biol.) / differential equation / dynamical system / EAF (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries) / ecological transition / Ecology (behavioural) / Ecology (evolutionary) / Ecology (fisheries) / Ecology (marine) / Ecology (niche) / Ecology (quantitative) / Ecology (trophic) / ecosystem (aquatic) / ecosystem (coastal) / ecosystem (marine) / ecosystem (tropical pelagic) / ecosystem dynamics / ecosystem process / ecosystem service / environment (marine) / Environment-Society relations / FAD (Fish Aggregating Device) / fisheries management / fisheries resource / Fisheries science (fr: Halieutique) / fishes / forecasting / global change impact / global modelling (mathematics) / global ocean / GLOBEC (Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics program) / Governance / growth equation / habitat (marine) / High Performance Computing (HPC) / impact assesment (fisheries) / Indian ocean / integrative approach / life history trait / marine megafauna / marine protected area (MPA) / mathematics (applied) / Mediterranean sea / mesophotic - twilight zone (Oceanogr.) / micronekton (marine org.) / model (bio-physical) / model (bioenergetics) / model (biogeochemical) / model (end-to-end) / model (mathematical) / model (numerical) / model (predator-prey) / model (reaction-diffusion) / model (spatially explicit) / model coupling / model DEB (Dynamic Energy Budget) / model GAM (General Additive Model) / model SIR (Susceptible Infected Recovered) / MODELLING / modelling (behaviour) / modelling (complex system) / modelling (digital twin) / modelling (ecological) / modelling (integrated) / modelling (interdisciplinary) / modelling (mathematical) / modelling (multi-scale) / modelling (predictive) / modelling (statistical) / multi-model coupling (MMC) / multi-scale (spatial and temporal) / multi-scale (spatial) / MULTIDISCIPLINARY / nekton (marine org.) / North Atlantic Ocean / Oceanography (biological) / optimization / pelagic fish / pelagic long line fishery / plankton / plankton (zoo) / population dynamics / purse seine fishery / renewable resource / RFMO (Regional fisheries management organisation) / SDG 02 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Alimentation) / SDG 10 (Sust. Devel. Goal - World equity) / SDG 14 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Oceans) / Seychelles / simulation / socio-ecological scenario / socio-ecosystem / South Africa / South Western Indian ocean / spatial dynamics / stock assessment / sustainability (fisheries) / tuna fisheries / UMR MARBEC (MAR. Biodiv. Exploit. Conserv.) / upwelling / World /
Last update : 2023-09-27