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Reporting, Preservation and Dissemination of Research Data
data librarian and data publishing expert

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  DECKER, Luc / Reporting, Preservation and Dissemination of Research Data Competencies of  DECKER, Luc , PhD engineer (CSS5 RESIGNED)
IRD-MCST   IRD - Scientific and technological culture mission

citations Google scholar   citations IRD   citations ORCID   data portal DataSud   Personal home page   web-link Chiang Mai   web-link HEBOOC   web-link IRD-DATA   web-link Napneung  
Web-link HeBOOC: online course on hepatitis B clinical management
Web-link Chiang Mai: Faculty of Medical Science of Chiang Mai Univ. (Thaïlande)
Web-link Napneung : blood testing service in Thaïland
Data portal DataSuds: IRD institutional data warehouse
Web-link IRD Data: IRD support for scientific data management.
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to L. Decker (CSS5 resigned 2024)'s profile in the current state of the database

algorithmicsclinical research informaticscomputer graphicscomputer sciencedata (healthcare)data (sensitive)data anonymisationdata citationdata cleaningdata codingdata collectiondata curationdata management plan /  data publishing /  data quality assessmentDATA SCIENCEdata securitydata sharingdata warehousedatabase engineeringdatabase management system (DBMS)development (software architecture)e-learning /  electronic data capture /  FAIR (Find, Access, Interoperate, Reuse) dataGDPR (fr: RGPD) Gen. Data Protec. Regul. /  good clinical practice (GCP) /  human subjects protectioninfectious diseaseinformation systemInformation Technology (IT)IT system managementIT systems architecture /  mathematical morphology /  model (reaction-diffusion)MODELLINGopen datapublic health /  public-key cryptography /  quality assurance (ISO 9001 standard)R programming /  randomization (clinical research) /  SDG 03 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Health and well-being)SDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)simulationsoftware engineering /  traceability /  training (fr: formation)Web portal development /


Last update : 2023-01-27  (id: 41 )

Navigation suggestion: Screening, Prevention and Control of Major Endemics in Developing Countries ( 16 )  

CSS5 related headings

     Method or approach
     Natural Process
     Science or discipline
     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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