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Deployment of Innovative Uses of Information Technology
Chief officer in IT systems management and development

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement

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CSS5-IRD :  LABADIE, Michel / Deployment of Innovative Uses of Information Technology Competencies of  LABADIE, Michel , research engineer
IRD-DDUNI   IRD - R&D Department for Innovative Digital Uses / Direction du Développement des Usages Numériques Innovants

data portal DataSud   IRD-DDUNI   linkedIn access   web-link AMUE   web-link CINES   web-link IRD-Lab   web-link JRES   web-link RENATER   _get in touch  
- Data portal DataSuds: IRD institutional data warehouse
- Web-link IRD Lab: IRD geolocation of its activities, research facilities, scientific teams, staff and partners
- Web-link CINES : National Computing Center for Higher Education in Montpellier
- Web-link JRES : Journées RESeaux - knowledge and transmission of expertise within the education and research community
- Web-link AMUE: the french pooling agency for universities and establishments
- Web-link RENATER: the national research and education network in France. 
Below: competencies in black when any are unique to M. Labadie's profile in the current state of the database

algorithmicsbig datacapacity buildingCentral African Republiccomputer scienceconcurrent computingconnectivitydata infrastructuredata interoperabilitydata managementdata management plandata securitydata warehousedatabase engineeringdatabase management system (DBMS) /  digital divide (fr: fracture numérique) /  digital infrastructuredigital transitione-learningexpertise (engineering)GDPR (fr: RGPD) Gen. Data Protec. Regul.indicator (dashboard)information systemInformation Technology (IT)IRD-DDUNI (Dept. Innov. Digital Uses)IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)IT project managementIT system managementIT systems (decentralized)IT systems architectureopen dataopen scienceopen sourceoperational engineeringSDG 04 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Education)SDG 09 (Sust. Devel. Goal - Industry)SDG 10 (Sust. Devel. Goal - World equity) /  strategic planning /  technology intelligence (fr: veille technol.)training (fr: formation) /  WAN (Wide Area Network) /  web servicesWest Africa /


Last update : 2023-03-20  (id: 53 )

Navigation suggestion: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Hazards Bound to Volcanic Eruptions ( 10 )  

CSS5 related headings

     Field Location
     Method or approach
     Natural Process
     Science or discipline
     SDG (Sust. Dev. Goal) Theme

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